Supporting Managers of VMS, Procurement, and Managed Service Providers Areas

Supporting Managers of VMS, Procurement or MSPs

Does your day go something like this - field staffing requests from departments, analyze request in framework of the organization’s standards and metrics, communicate staffing need to numerous different staffing firms, and sift through all of the submissions brought by the staffing firms. Oh, and don’t forget answering your phone, responding to email, reading text messages and keeping all of the active requests, in different stages of completion, on track.

As a manager in a VMS or procurement area, you may be in between the proverbial rock and a hard place. You have IT managers with specific requests and you have the organization’s requirements. EDGE supports managers just like you to create and maintain the balance between staffing needs and organizational goals. 

“EDGE knows the business and that brings me back to them again and again. They have the real-world, hands-on experience that makes them a productive resource and they take the time to understand my unique needs in all projects and areas.”
- IT manager, large Midwestern bank

Our experience includes supporting banks with existing VMS, procurement and managed service providers and others who are transitioning to new systems. EDGE understands your goals to meet metrics, contain cost, and meet staffing needs. We are able to adapt and react effectively because of our extensive background in banking, both on the IT and business sides.

EDGE Services has been serving the nation’s top banks since 1993, serving as a link between IT or banking operations and the top consultants in the industry.

Why Choose EDGE

To learn more about how we can support you in your role as a manager of a VMS, Procurement or Management Service Provider, please contact our Client Relations Team.